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Along with Hart, he is the fifth WCW Triple Crown winner.įollowing WCW's closure in 2001, Goldberg wrestled for All Japan Pro Wrestling (AJPW) between 20 and for WWE between 20, becoming a one-time World Heavyweight Champion in the latter. During his time with the promotion, he became a one-time WCW World Heavyweight Champion, two-time WCW United States Heavyweight Champion and one-time WCW World Tag Team Champion with Bret Hart. He rose to fame in WCW with a lengthy undefeated streak in 1997–1998 singles competition.

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He is regarded as the inventor of the spear finishing move in wrestling and is credited with popularizing, and being the best at executing, that move.

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Goldberg is one of the most popular figures of the late 1990s/early 2000s professional wrestling boom. He is best-known for his time in WCW and WWE. William Scott Goldberg (born December 27, 1966), better known mononymously as Goldberg, is an American professional wrestler, actor, and former American football player.

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* Offseason and/or practice squad member only

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